Utilization Dashboard!

We've released a new utilization dashboard to make it easy to keep track of your monthly spend in Paperspace!

This is an easy way to see how much you're spending on Paperspace month over month. 

To access the new dashboard, just go to Profile > Billing > Utilization.

Notebook workspace upload

You'll see a few new options under "Workspaces" that enable you to pull down data (eg from a Git repository) when creating a new notebook.  Check out the docs to learn more. 

Instance prices now available when starting notebook

We heard from our community over the years that having more visibility and control of compute spend was a high-priority.  Today, we added the instance cost to the dropdown of the start notebook menu.  We have several projects lined-up that will contribute to this effort of increasing transparency. Stay tuned!

New console launched!

The console just got much faster. You'll notice up to 40% speed improvements across the app -- from notebooks to machines to settings and everything in between!

Hotkeys have arrived! 🎁

If you look in the user menu in the console, you should now see a Hotkeys option! This option will reveal a modal with all the new keyboard shortcuts now available for use in the Paperspace console. 

To access the menu, click you user icon in the top left and then the hotkeys button:

These hotkeys cover all the different views available from the Paperspace console -- from Notebooks, to Jobs, to Projects, to Machines, and more!

We hope you enjoy this new super easy way to switch contexts in the Paperspace console.

Tags keep your team organized

Tags are a new feature that allow you to give customized organizational structure to your team's Projects, Experiments, Notebooks, Jobs, Models, and Deployments.

Tags are extremely helpful as your library of entities grows. Use them to quickly locate resources, identify bottlenecks, and plan future releases.

New instance details view


We added a new handy tooltip which displays info about the underlying compute instance used in Experiments, Jobs, Notebooks, and Deployments. This tooltip includes the complete specs of the instance, including CPU and GPU as well as a link to the details provided by the provider.

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